Camping at Lake Buyan, Bali (Fujichrome Professional Velvia 100 - Slide Film; E6 Developed - Discontinued 135mm Fujifilm)

In July 2021, Fujifilm officially announced that they discontinued one of their best films: Fujichrome Professional Velvia 100, in the USA. Luckily I get the chance of using this, it was a birthday gift from someone who bought it from filmneverdie in Melbourne. The funniest thing is, had it for over two years, used it and had it in chamber for over six months, then when the roll's finished, the chamber was full of ants and their eggs which is ew... Shipped it to Jakarta (soupnfilm) to develop it with E6 because apparently it's difficult to find E6 laboratory in Bali.

Camping was amazing, the dawn was very beautiful. Feels like a still life watching the fog moved away on the surface of the lake. Watching how the surface ripple when a boat passed by. Memorable morning.

So, here are some of the photographs from this special roll.
